
Insights ...

SRF Glanz & Gloria

Broadcast from 02.01.25

Patrick Lo Giudice

in the artist's studio

Small tour ...

in the artist's studio

Virtual exhibition

Galleria il Tesoro Switzerland

You have the possibility to see the larger of the two exhibitions in Altendorf (CH) in a virtual tour.


Insights into the work

Based on photographs
by Walter Othmar Schicker,
who recorded ritual acts in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1940s, the encaustic artist of the modern era transposes his work in his unique technique.

SRF broadcast Kurt Aeschbacher

Family theme

Patrick Lo Giudice recounts his experiences in Graniti Sicily (I) on the subject of the mafia. He spent three years of his childhood in Graniti. There he came into contact with the mafia, saw some incidents and was affected himself when a firebomb was placed in his father's carpentry workshop.

error: Copyright by Patrick Lo Giudice